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Diagno FCoV Ab/Ag
1. FCoV Antibodies
2. FCoV Virus
1. Serum/Plasma
Whole blood
Anal Swab
15 min.
Diagno FCoV Ab/Ag is a combo test designed for diagnosing Feline Coronavirus in cats. This test uses whole blood, serum and plasma samples to detect the presence of disease-specific antibodies and feces and vomit samples to detect the virus itself.
FCoV Ab test is highly accurate with a sensitivity of 99.10%, a specificity of 89.80% and an accuracy of 92,90 %. FCoV Ag test has a sensitivity of 96.70% and a specificity of 100% and an accuracy of 98,5%.
Diagno FCoV Ab/Ag provides reliable and accurate results in just 15 min.
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